Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Hearing voices and stories shared


I called in twice, to Radio Times if you access the archives you can hear the conversations that caught my attention.

Once on 12-20-04 in regard to law and cases, maybe if you would like to hear what I sound like when complaining about what I’ve been through and the things I’ve seen.

You can listen to the archived show and hear me at 38:55 I was traveling through New Hope when I called in.

And I wrote about calling in on another occasion, and wrote this about the experience.

The Working of the mind.

Of Abusiveness and PacifistsGOD does have a sense of humor, LOL Listen on Real Player at 45:21 in the second hour today 1/31/05 and follow the conversation...Should we have a male and female representation at all tables or should we see each gender as having the same make up of the same brain that can work similarly treating people I am aired at 47:30 I'm really sorry for the background noise it is the diesel engine and road noise.It is a good listen...What happens after my call, the amygdala defense? Come on lets look deeper into who are the people that are protecting the profits of bad psychiatry? Keep an open mind and ask questions...Is this interview slanted to control other people...Of the Good and the Bad it will all be brought together.Now to e-mail, A Kiss to die for, the Evolution of Religion, A vision for the future, and how animals relate to each other.These works together might make a very good read as a small book; I would really like to share these ideas with you.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Thy Kingdom Come

In America we have found an unusual alliance between three different and distinct groups, they are:

1.) The feminist movement with their rights to choose.

2.) The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Tran gendered (GLBT) movement with their rights to choose their sexual preferences and orientation.

3.) The Christian Right a far Right group that believes the Blessings of GOD are for a special group of people.

What all of these groups have in common is Death, Death of the Spirit, and Death of an individual or group of individuals.

If we look at the first group they advocate for abortion, and disrupt the family structure, women are supposed to be more nurturing and if trained properly generally are, they are great teachers and need to be included equally in all facilities of Government and Teaching, don't think that I am against women’s rights to be treated equally in government and leadership. I am all for hearing the voice of the woman as president or broadcaster along with teacher and trainer. I'm against jobs that keep women from helping in the house, and disrupt the family life, the disparity we have in our society that people are working too many hours and unable to breathe and relax and enjoy raising their children with the values that they wish to instill into their children. Meal preparation and having quality time with the children is important and many women work too many hours to give of themselves to their families. We have families that are caught up in the rat race created by our society. (I can talk about the issues as they pertain to fathers in another topic and there are plenty of parallel issues on that topic, long work hours and never taking vacations, never slowing down to relax and enjoy the day...)

The second group brings an end to family structure, or changes the dynamics of the commonly known family. If you oppose this group you are labeled a homophobe and you can be censored in the media as most media moguls derive their incomes from this group of people, the selling of news is an important part of our society the news paper industry is a dying industry that is not needed in it's current format and certainly there are many volunteer reporters that can do a much better job of getting out a fair and balanced message that is truthful as opposed to the controlled message that is produced by many governments. The resources alone used to print news papers and books and the fuel used to drive this industry is one way conservatives could push for a new day, think of the waste, from cutting down the trees to disposing of the final product. There is a new media that can replace the old and conserve our natural resources. We can also balance the pay for reporting, either through ads or out right payments for good information.

The Third Group is the most dangerous of all, a society designed to commit suicide, a global suicide, seeking a new world and a new peace only to be found with the elimination of all people. This radical group transcends into all religions and is embedded in all faiths. If you oppose this group you can be called or diagnosed as mentally unstable or Bi-Polar. Opposition to this group usually gets you classified as a communist or a terrorist a seeker of chaos. We see in our society that many Democracies are really not democratic, they are imposed forms of control by the elite and ruling class that claim to have the Blessings of GOD as their birth right and their economic strength enables them to prove that might makes right.

Having been censored from one message board and a Dialogue group and unable to participate in another message board forum (I haven't been notified that I was banned, so I don't know why I can't participate)
My message remains the same. It is not an offensive message to point to the problems and ways we can fix our society, it is a message that can be perceived by exclusive groups to be hate filled when it is only a message to level the playing field and to help the poor have a voice and bring about real and true democracy to our world.

Each person should be connected.

I still proclaim the message of inclusion and freedom to speak; I proclaim life and liberty through the teachings of Jesus and others.

A message of Unity through a connected community.

Peace and Blessings,



Thursday, June 15, 2006



What is justice? Is justice ordering the death of a man with out a judicial proceeding? Unlike, Hitler who was hiding; centered in a bunker, surrounded by tanks, and military forces, calling for each person of his country to be eliminated.

Zarqawi was meeting a religious leader with his wife and child, in a remote house. I believe according to the reports that, after the bombing, all in the house were killed.

Who ordered the murder of this criminal? Was this killing showing the world true justice the way American Jurisprudence is supposed to work? If we are a nation of laws then justice must be served for one and for all, including those that we deem terrorists.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Slave Master Relationships

Slave/Master Relationships

In days of old whips and chains bound us as property to the cruel task master. Today we have been bound to sinful leaders that would lead us with a bunch of lies. We have authority figures that don’t tell the truth; a text that misrepresents history. Books and buildings where people gather to worship in error inspired by Awe of man’s construction and ability to dazzle and bend the light of the world and the word.

When the Church becomes a tool to be complicit in acts of terrorism, where guns are buried deep into the necks of the faithful and life is threatened. When called in for a meeting to question a person’s qualification for membership and the intention is to revoke and embarrass the victim of many lies; when the victim the former member has their property damaged with the twist of a wrist and again their life is threatened. This institution called the Bride of Christ proves to be anything but godly. For how many people have been killed for the sins of the Church and those that claim to worship a holy and pure god? There is no way that the blessing of god can be bestowed upon such an institution that would stoop to such a deplorable low, and claim to be something it is not.

Are we slaves to people?
Are we slaves to the church?

Only a cruel master maims and kills, or attempts to create fear to control.

Love conquers all, repentance and reparations make forgiveness possible, a lesson to be learned by humans all.