Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Cage Building

Cage Building

Building a better cage for critters starts with a foundation of obtaining control. The victim losses the ability to be free, abuse causes an emotional scar and pain.

As each bar is precisely put into place with the proper location and size to restrict the spirit that longs to be free, lies are the materials that restrict and structure the framwork that encapsulates the victim. Expose the lies and break all of the ties.

The Set Up

The Set Up

The art of enticing a person into a behavior that you wish to use against them later.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Giving the Gift of Love

Giving the Gift of Love

Giving of yourself, and all that you have to another person, and to GOD.

Selflessness; becomes apparent when a person not only desires to give all that they can give to a relationship in the way of bringing together their personal possessions but seeking to bring forth all of the world, and dreams into that relationship. This makes everything possible, health and wealth.

Selfishness, is keeping to your self all things making others feel less than welcome. If you are deciding for others how and where things are to be done or kept, you have created an environment that does not allow others to help.

Jealousy; is to seek out a flaw in your partner that projects your own inability to share and be confident in your own love.

True Love: If your love is true, then you can trust that your love is for you and will not seek out love beyond the love you offer.

Honesty; is a true sign of love very deep and very special. Honesty is open and transparent.

These are keys to communication, the foundation to Love.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Is there Hope for my failed marriage?

I wish there was hope, but hope doesn't exist,

I'm sorry that as wishful for Love that she might have, it will not work for the two of us because she just doesn't get it. When she says, "I Love you but I can't stand you." She speaks in the negative of what real love truly is.

I had the opportunity to draw the comparison of how she has projected me into the image of her father. She was mad because I started talking louder as she was exiting the room in the middle of a conversation. Something that she does frequently, she claimed to be multitasking. I told her it was very rude, because she did this to her father all of the time. I saw the problem that the doctors didn't look for. The problem of communication. Where a person who misconstrudes a comment and feels threatened by their interpretation.

The lack of asking for clarification allowed the doctors to give the theraputic response to keep away and try not to resolve the issues of conflict. Everything is a matter of keeping secrets and not being open and transparent, not respecting the other person's thoughts and visions. Not listening.

So many people so many abuses. The abused becoming the abuser, by creating emotional distress. Living life in constant crisis.

I hate to put the children into that environment.

Love is giving and receiving.

Love doesn't demand, it sets people free to be all they can be.

My wife didn't know because of the way she was abused, she never knew.

Flirting is seeing the best in another person, it is the beginnning to love, it is the power of positive thinking.

GOD Bless ALL, ALL that Bless GOD

Sunday, October 16, 2005

As men go bald

As men go bald,

As one goes bald out front it is proved that he is a thinker.

As one goes bald out back it is said that he is sexy.

Now if he goes bald both front and back, well he just thinks he is sexy.

Team Work

In the Bible Jesus stated that the meek shall inherit the Earth. Why?

It is not that the meek can overcome the wretched, but it is the wretched that make so many meek.

Together the wicked have worked to opress the meek (the naive, the victims) Jesus knew that in time there would be one that would stand against the oppression of lies, obvious lies.

Would you like to know my source of knowledge for the wickedness of our day the same wickedness of the day of Jesus?

What about the day of Noah?

It is the same today and yesterday but it will not be tomorrow. Why?

The meek are connected, we are growing in numbers. There is a prayer.

There is hope.

We stick together and become a formidable force for peace when we unite with those that have been oppressed.

What do you see, division and negativity or the positive influence of a united force for peace.

I seek Peace.

From the Heart of Love,

GOD Bless ALL; ALL that Bless GOD



Saturday, October 15, 2005



True Democracy

We were told that it could never happen, but I know it is possible, now with new tools, we have the ability to change our world.

Hey' did anyone watch the Million More Movement? The minorities against Bush and calling for a change in the way business is done in America. A new political party in America, the P.O.P. The Party of the People The Party of the Poor A Party for the Red, Brown, Yellow, Black and White. Watch for the cleansing of America, there is a movement under way, a grass roots kind of land swell. Justice and Peace Coming to a Country near you!

Faith IN Action

Faith IN Action

What is faith in action as opposed to faith inaction? One is involved and one is disengaged.

Appropriate Response

Appropriate Response

It is a way of thinking and changing yourself from with in. First you do a self check, and then you pray your words are received in the manner to which they were written. Some people will feel convicted by what is written and that is not wrong, but you yourself can not allow yourself to become caught up in the very reaction that others have to your words.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Prayers and Sharing

Prayer, a form of Communication

Where two or more are gathered that is where you can find GOD at work.

The people that write and talk to others are the people that are able to engage the tools of society for the needs that must be met for each and every request and praise.

Peace and Accountability,

GOD Bless,



Heaven is forever,

The Earth shall pass away,

Heaven is that place where the light of love and life is at peace. A sphere like a star in the distance, but in the presence of Heaven you know, You know the peace of GOD and your only desire is to be as close to the heart of GOD, the goal to be in the center by inviting GOD into the center of your life and to live as full and vibrantly to Help others, find their way in Truth.

Civil Unions

Creating a union of same gender relationships.

This is a contract between two or more people to affirm their rights, that by law their wishes and requests would be followed. As a couple or group joined to share their lives and assets.

This new arrangment allows a right to same gender relationships but removes the promotion of pornography and advertisement of lust, and of sexual abuse, in society.

The only legal seduction is a mutual seduction.

The reasons for naming appropriate terms for the definition of different relationships that we have in society is because Homosexual relationships can not perform the face to face, Double Kiss. For more information on the Double Kiss "Click Here"


The building block of every community where a man and a woman come together to make a family.

To raise children in the spirit of love and partnership.

A hetrosexual monogomous relationship.

A couple in Love and making Love would be a good description of Love that should be advertised and promoted. One such description can be found Here The difference between what is advertised today, is that usually you are witnessing clandestine relationships with out great meaning. How much of the Love/lust is promoted for the youth to experiment with and how much is for Long Term committed relationships?

Together they love each other as partners they love, a great deep and abiding love. True Love.



Decipleship, to be raised with love,

I have come to expose and divide the good from the wicked.

You can know if a person is good or bad by the character of their heart,A heart of deciet is not the heart for me,The heart of violence is not a pure heart,It belongs to the man who rules with a clenched fist ready to strike,Spankings that cause such pain and wonder why children hate and rebel.Like an evil spell,Yelling and Screaming never teaches people to listen and learn.There is nothing here to discern.

Listen to the supporters of Bush and Listen to the Christian Programs on the Radio, Dobson and Company. Teaching to spank your children well, and then send them over to Iraq and wonder why our children want to make the Islamic's cry.

Abuse breeds Abuse, Even a woman can lie and abuse a man.

Don't punish the victim over and over again.

Correcting the mistakes that we make is a sure sign of a person with the heart of GOD, Jesus thought that he could fix the world, by being crucified. -- It didn't work, the heart of GOD was cursed.

Because so many have a proclivity to abuse and torture, President Bush should sign that new bill against such evil perpetrated by Americans.


All things declare the glory of creation, In America we have written on our money that we are one nation under God. To me, my thoughts lead me to believe that the Earth should be All nations declaring the glory of one GOD.
It is written that the return of Christ will convict the righteous and the wicked.
What is righteous convictions?
What is the conviction of the wicked?
I hope that everyone realizes that world peace begins with the heart of the individual to do what is pure and holy according to the heart of GOD.
GOD Bless ALL; ALL Bless GOD


To provoke a person by removing the necessities or reasonable comforts that every individual requires.

A person that is in solitary confinement and hasn't slept for many hours might be so tired as to sleep on the floor. Any place can become a bed when you are so tired. If you wake that person up so that the person can not sleep by squirting water in their face you are torturing the infirmed.

Expect that you will have provoked a response, especially when that person is threatened that the 'very air' a person breathes could be contaminated. The simulation of being put in solitary confinement in a gas chamber, not allowed to sleep, squirted by water while seeking fresh air from under the door, no bed, sleeping on the floor, no peace and no explanation. (Torture)

Having questions and not getting answers. (Torture)

Having something to say and no place to say it. (Torture)

Having something to say and no one listens. (Torture)

Torture, causes anger.

How do you make peace?


The art of causing a person to become physically violent using emotional attacks.

To provoke a person, by poking fun at them.

The classical art of poking a stick into an animals cage to see the animal get angry and nasty because the animal is being provoked.

To put a person in solitary confinement without explaining to that person the reasons for the confinement and not providing proper resources for the comfort of the infirmed. (Torture)