Do you want our language changed?
There is a movement to redefine a few words.
Marriage should be defined the union contract between a man and a woman. The majority of individuals that get married do it for the benefit of procreation.
A civil union should be available for couples or groups wishing to unite for the benefit of caring for each other.
Tolerance has lost it's meaning when you can not be tolerant as previously defined for fear of being charged with a crime. Tolerance only means to allow another person to make individual choices that are abstract or out of synchronization with the majority of individuals or culture.
Homophobia is a word that should mean the fear of homosexuals, today it means that if you disagree with the homosexual agenda you are homophobic.
One day soon the majority of the worlds population will wake up and put a stop to the abuse of our morals as the minority keeps pushing towards a goal that ends at a wall with no where to go.
Labels: Civil Unions, Definitions, Homophobia, Marriage, Tolerance
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