Saturday, September 09, 2006

Politics and Facism

All this talk about Islamic or Islamo fascism and communism, what a crock... Democracy is the ability to choose your elected leader democracy has nothing to do with socialism and helping your community grow. The free-market system has more to do with slavery than communism and yet many people are blind or confused on how it all works they confuse democracy with the free market system and call everything that helps others communism. Our president is the biggest fascist around because he manipulates people into thinking the wrong way, he'll use anything to promote his war for profit and his military mentality, and this military mentality is another form of slavery developed by people to execute intentions that harm others. We are in the 20th century and a lot of our problems can be resolved with diplomacy if only we allow diplomacy to work and use the tools that are in place to help others and protect our society.

Unfortunately, our government wants to sweep peoples ill intentions under the carpet and will not allow the victims of abuse the access to the tools needed to fix the problems that will always exist until we start using the tools in place wisely, tools such as OSHA and the Bill of Rights. These programs are more than just words, they are our protections.


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