Sunday, July 02, 2006

KKK the 69 Nazi Sect

‘KKK the 69 Nazi Sect’; the largest terrorist network in the world, what has happened over the years filled with hate and violence where people seek to control other people and the world.

The groups of people that belong to this horrible sect are found all around, they are in Christian communities deeply rooted in a fundamental believing that the Bible is the word of GOD and keeping to a rigid understanding of what was written, the same thing happened in the Muslim nations the Islamic fundamentalists follow the word to the death of others by taking as many with them as they can. The main theme in all of these sects is the exclusion of others that they don’t agree with, in their ignorance they cause the problems that arise on a daily basis.

The cure for the problem that arises is the location of the word of GOD found IN the texts of all religions.

Imagine if the Christians could put IN the word IN their understanding of GOD’s word IN the Bible. It is not a sin to put IN the word of GOD, into the idea that the Bible has IN it the word of GOD. It would be a lie to say the Bible is the word of GOD without the word IN; IN that statement. The truth is the Word of GOD is IN the Bible. It is that simple.

The Muslims have the same problems as the Christians, and the fundamentalism created from both worlds creates the division between communities and families. The terrorist is found as the leader of such groups that would divide and exclude.

As a prime example I draw a case in point that the 69 sect are those that promote homosexual behaviors and any one that would say anything against their teachings would be labeled as homophobic. What I experienced is the censorship of my writings because I recognized how homosexuals are controlling our society and changing the foundations of our beliefs against the freedoms that we hold so dear. These people that promote immoral behaviors have silenced the good words of a man that believes in the works of GOD and the preservation of the family. How many groups do you know that promote the homosexual agenda? How many institutions are parts of the ‘KKK 69 Nazi Sect?’ I can think of many sections of our society that are promoting being gay, and it is an offense in my eyes to put these ideas in the community as socially acceptable ways of life, because they promote and are part of the problems costing us all our health and our security.

We can first look to mass media, what is promoted in print and who are those that get published as journalists, there is a saying in our community when you get a good job, it came at a cost, you had to know, who to <S>BLOW</S>. What is a bribe? How much does it cost to get a story published, it is all about whose palm gets greased. Yep that goes for both sex’s men and women that are in control of what gets printed, published or made into a news worthy broadcast. Where does the corruption in our society begin? Look to the mass media industry and then go from there, into the pulpit where a broader message can be projected, more separation and contempt for others of different sects and yet the world still doesn’t see. This is the problem that is before you and me, because we are not IN the company of true Angels working the WILL of GOD. Our leaders are letting us down by not including instead they exclude ideas and beliefs that they can not understand because the true WILL of GOD is not IN their hearts.

In order to truly fight the war on terrorism we all have to find and fight the terrorist in our hearts and in our homes. We need to define what sexual morality is and what true love really means. When we strive to change to acts of domestic violence in our homes and the violence that occurs in society, through social disparity, we then can overcome the terrorism in our world. Simply put, we have to change the model of sexual interaction as the build up and climax to true love in a monogamous relationship. We can love others, and we can show and express our expressions of love for everyone in the world but we are to be in monogamous relationships dedicated one to one, and living with IN the Will of GOD. Any decision concerning family matters should be made between the two who are the parents of that family defining the will to be followed. The problem that is most common is the one where one or the other tends to take control, it happens in most discussions where the voice of another or the voice of opposition is discounted and left out, censored in other words they take the writings and thoughts of another out of history they eliminate, eradicate, abolish, erase, wipe out or blot out the existence of any one that would have an opposing view. The result is the making of masters and slaves. Everything becomes my way or the highway. The opposition gets flogged and chastised even if they are right and conservative in their way of observing the way things are unfolding.

To be expunged is one way to control another person and their opposing points of view or ideas. The party in control doesn’t have to be correct in what they are doing; they just have to have the right people in the right places in the right seats of power. That is how the minority can silence the majority.

Think about the first amendment and the world you want to live in if we keep secrets we allow lies to permeate our society. People can get away with hiding their drug use and income and people can keep others oppressed and poor. The elite will continue to grow their wallets at the expense of everyone else that they control.

More people are becoming the poor people because they do not see who has controlled the purse strings of society.

Are you part of the Homo Elite? The KKK 69 Nazi regime? The majority cult found around the world? Are you the terrorist, offended by the truth?

These are really not tough questions to answer, but they are questions to consider when you find yourself at wits end, and that violent voice comes to the surface, what are you going to do about your innate tendencies to control everyone else and their thoughts that are against what you believe. One will say that forgiveness is for the individual offended and one will say that forgiveness begins with the offended and ends with the offender.

A time comes when we all have to give an account for what we have done and where we have been. What will you say on that day?

I acknowledged my mistakes and I have asked for forgiveness of those things that I did as they were sins. Did You?

I can’t say that my apology was accepted, I can’t look into the heart of the other person to know for sure, I can only see what I feel from the way they treat me, do I feel accepted and loved or have I been excluded and shunned? Am I IN or am I out?

If you don’t Love me then we ALL lose.

When it comes to win or lose, Love is the key, competition in Love, for the sake of the best crossing the finish line ahead of the rest; with out cheating. Are we winning the good race?

Are we fighting a dirty fight and making more terrorists over night? How can we bring this war to an end? We win when suicide is not an option.

The end to Death on the battle field begins when we see the needs of the poor are the cause of destruction. We are fighting a war where we control the poor mind and create a terrorist on both sides. We win when we stop advocating the use of us against them and start working together or we step aside and allow them to decide. The democratic thing to do is to follow the money and the leadership and make sure that ALL people are cared for.

Instead of killing innocent people we need to educate everyone to seek the peaceful resolution.

It begins with Love, one man one woman coming together and working together as a family. Love begins at home, and then it spreads throughout the community.

The Blessings of GOD is Love,

The gift of GOD is life,

Peace and Blessings,




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