Saturday, July 01, 2006

Gay Rights Prostitutution and Pornography

Gay Rights, Prostitution and Pornography

It’s all about selling sex.

If you follow the money you’ll find that several businesses hinge on selling the sex factor, one is the realm of psychology they promote from within if you are a homosexual advocate your chances of becoming wealthy as a psychologist or psychiatrist are much greater, if you are in the media as a writer your chances of having that good paying job for your work and getting published is much greater. Let’s look around and see what happens if you oppose this institution of sexual freedom.

How many heterosexuals have a chance to have their voices heard, you don’t hear the words oh’ you’re heterophobic, the word doesn’t exist, but we can diagnose people with a condition that they call homophobic. Homophobia: a common disorder, of people that don’t agree with, mainstream society, a symptom of being Bi-polar. The homosexual society is a world that lives outside of morals and conduct that hurts our relationships and family structures. Homosexuals feel the need to reframe our vocabulary to give them equal status while seeking to promote the ills uncontrolled from within our own bodies and desires.

Homosexuals play against our sexual drives, they promote oral sex for a price, they tailgate, nose to tail, they’ll run you over, without a care. The increased insurance costs for crimes against humanity are enormous if you only take a moment to calculate what all of this means.

Living in a world that is just one sexual orgy, ALL connected together. Homosexuals are promoting incest and multiple partners, men, women anyone any where. In the end you never know who is having sex with whom. It is all in photographs exploited lovers to separate women and men and tip the balance away from a stable society.

If you only look at the positives of amoral behavior you might be able to hide the negative side. But morality requires you know right from wrong, what is being done for the gay community is way beyond immoral, it’s disgusting and dishonest, a way of promoting lies.

Bisexuality how many partners would you have? A moral society that requires monogamy would have problems with polygamy and yet allow bisexuality? Tran gendered people, feel that they were born with the wrong body? Yep there is a problem with GOD’s gift, you are unique and need to change the way you think.

Hermaphrodites are always the examples of how you can be one and the other; and what would you say to one of this sort? Doctors of many can not agree, and yet a layman like me, I gave the greatest peace of mind to one who wanted to know, how can this be and how can I be me? I told them to choose one way or the other and stick with that decision, if you feel that you are more of a woman that that is what you will be. Look deep inside and find your true inner calling. We are all made very unique.

The selling of sex through, paper, and reporters is totally destructive to our natural recourses. Time and money spent on viewing and hyping up sexual experiences to sell everything and anything while poor families are committing suicide.

How guilty is our country for raping the world and causing such pain that people would destroy their own lives because they’ve gone into debt and can’t make ends meet and the homosexuals only think about their next fix. Their next snatch and grab, how they can control the purse strings of society and how far can they go?

They beat me up, that is for sure, my family suffers, we are the victims of tailgaters and in courteous people that would just run us over if we passed in front of them, and they have no care of family and friends. For the Elite homosexuals it is just another day at the office, another day to reap the benefits of being born and free and able to choose.

One day we will all see the jail that the elite have made for themselves as poor suffer and sweat to produce what the wealthy consume, the poison of greed lives upon all of our shoulders beginning with promoting homosexual behaviors.

With the advanced technology of the internet a whole new industry could be created, but the homosexuals cannot let go and cannot share in the new vision. The next deep depression will be created by misinterpretation and the destruction of our natural resources that could be saved if only the real men and women, fathers and mothers in our society could be or would be given a voice.

Fair and balanced means you show both pro and con.

The liberal media is not balanced.


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