Slave Master Relationships
Slave/Master Relationships
In days of old whips and chains bound us as property to the cruel task master. Today we have been bound to sinful leaders that would lead us with a bunch of lies. We have authority figures that don’t tell the truth; a text that misrepresents history. Books and buildings where people gather to worship in error inspired by Awe of man’s construction and ability to dazzle and bend the light of the world and the word.
When the Church becomes a tool to be complicit in acts of terrorism, where guns are buried deep into the necks of the faithful and life is threatened. When called in for a meeting to question a person’s qualification for membership and the intention is to revoke and embarrass the victim of many lies; when the victim the former member has their property damaged with the twist of a wrist and again their life is threatened. This institution called the Bride of Christ proves to be anything but godly. For how many people have been killed for the sins of the Church and those that claim to worship a holy and pure god? There is no way that the blessing of god can be bestowed upon such an institution that would stoop to such a deplorable low, and claim to be something it is not.
Are we slaves to people?
Are we slaves to the church?
Only a cruel master maims and kills, or attempts to create fear to control.
Love conquers all, repentance and reparations make forgiveness possible, a lesson to be learned by humans all.
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