National Pharmaceutical Racketeering
National Pharmaceutical Racketeering
Notice how today that NPR and Dr. Dan on Morning Edition and the Program Fresh Air seem to be pushing Mental Health issues in favor of medicating people that have become the victims of lies? What a terrible state of affairs when we have to feed medicines to people that are the victims of anti-social behaviors as though this is the only way society can deal with people that are disadvantaged emotionally or financially. The real question is; can we find a better way to help people?
Abuses caused or provoked by people that consider themselves superior to the rest of the world are the main cause for people to become the victims, and a whole industry is built around feeding these victims medicines through bullying tactics. Belittling and degrading a person, and committing people to jail or institutions through a means of setting people up and claiming a crime was committed when actually no crime at all was committed.
The real problem is that if you don’t encourage good behavior then you will get behaviors that are unwanted. It is building up a person’s self esteem that is required, if a parent is falsely prosecuted the affects on the family are great, and the children can build on that false premise becoming disrespectful to a parent that has been victimized. Other family members can be the start of the process and even encourage that disrespect by talking badly or gossiping in front of the falsely accused victims children. Society on a whole can get caught up in spreading rumors and then the Doctor’s jump in and diagnose a person with a psychotic disorder (schizophrenia or bipolar) because a person has become the victim of false accusations. At what point do we stop the lies and start telling the truth?
I have a counter story to the information provided by the guests on Fresh Air, Pete Earley his book Crazy is about the opposite of what happened to me. I found out that where Pete Earley had trouble getting his son treated, as a victim of similar abuse (Meaning: that I was involuntarily committed), I had a hard time not being forced medications that I clearly didn’t need. I became the victim of some bizarre behaviors because of a lie, and group think. Where all people can be categorized because of their status as victims or financially poor and the way most people respond or react to such situations. I was and I am the exception to most rules when it comes to what other people will do.
Of course the following interview on Fresh Air with Dr. E. Fuller, really cinched the problem that is so widespread, if the Doctor’s can force everyone to suspect each other they can raise huge quantities of funding for mental health research and add greater profits to the pharmaceutical industry.
For the whole bunch of these people that are quick to diagnose depression and such as chemical imbalances they fail to realize that we can be caused to fall into such states of depression through interaction with people that refuse to understand how the mind really works.
Depression is a state beyond sadness; it is a state of the mind where the world is dull and uninviting. This can be caused by anti-social behaviors of other people around you, environments that are not friendly, the lack of being understood, or the lack of a financial ability to go out and participate in the functions that society has to offer.
I can not fathom the number of people that have been diagnosed with depression and treated with medications because of a natural shutting down due to the lack of social interaction.
Social interaction doesn’t mean that you have to be out in a crowded atmosphere spending lots of money, what is required for social interaction is healthy interaction in the environment, with moderate exercise and healthy eating and getting enough sleep. If you can get a person to work on those aspects of their lives I’m quite confident that the rest will fall into place, inviting friends along on walks and meeting interesting people to share life’s experiences and show that we care for one another.
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