Sunday, December 25, 2005

My Most Precious Gift

Love is the most precious gift that any of us has to offer another. It is my gift of love, a most precious moment to create our children; my gift of love is our children. My wife doesn’t understand the bond between a fathers love, and the emotional connection needed to feel empowered and encouraged as a husband. My life exists to find love and be loved. To build a home, to care and share and all of this was taken from me.

Even my children are being subverted by a mother who insists on being in between my children and me. My wife as a child was abused, by a father so unkind. The children spending more time with their mother while dad is off working to support his family, this allows more time for this mother to poison the minds of the little ones. My heart cries out for the facts to be known.

The father moves away from the original pain, seeking to make a permanent change, he wants to start out a new and call the children to his side, to provide. A chance arrives to calm the storm in the mother’s heart; he reaches out and gives it a try, the storm grows stronger with each one of her lies.

Our children’s grades reflect the facts quite well living with mom only will cause the children to fail. The arrival of dad, brings immediate change, the children start to respond to the plan the teachers made. Stripped away the father’s rights removed this dad, cries during day and night, knowing and not being heard, knowing that the mother is absurd. This woman that deceives and believes in her lies is ripping apart the fabric of our lives. The children once again will suffer, and there is nothing this father can do, I sit on the sidelines, in a funk and a stew. Doing my best, there is help on the way; I just pray we can make it through another day. This is the end, of that once known couple, they are finished and a new couple will appear. One day soon the skies will be clear. The children we will have to share.

Forgive me for not helping, to put poison into our children’s’ minds, but I won’t buy into a faulty plan, built against my house, my home and my life. Away with you go, now be gone, you are not my wife, to cause such pain, and such terrible strife. I pray that you will leave our children at my side, for the negative and nasty things that you have done I will not abide, a jail cell would be too kind, for your type of mind. I protected you from yourself, I didn’t know at the time. I would learn more and more about independent women who claim they are special, they demand and take back everything they offer, their love is shallow, and the experience leads to chaos, out of control thoughts, anger and resentment. I leave your ways behind; I reject anything of that kind. I seek peace and accountability, for people that have been made strong through the mastery of slavery, controlling other people to be zombies. Abused people have strange minds that are demanding and not teaching, they hurt and afflict, causing pain and strife.

The skills of a master teach others to reach and provide for themselves and others, we have an ability to offer, encourage, and to achieve. We can move aside all obstacles that are in our way. We know how to think in a special way.

The victims are made weak for a time, but only for a short time may the weak become strong remembering that they were once meek. May the meek inherit the Earth teaching Love to each other and bringing down Heaven, that all may see? I pray for Heaven on Earth; for you and for me for our children for all eternity. While the Earth one day will surely pass away, we know our love lasts forever. May the Earth be filled with that love, may it abound all around.


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