Sunday, October 16, 2005

Team Work

In the Bible Jesus stated that the meek shall inherit the Earth. Why?

It is not that the meek can overcome the wretched, but it is the wretched that make so many meek.

Together the wicked have worked to opress the meek (the naive, the victims) Jesus knew that in time there would be one that would stand against the oppression of lies, obvious lies.

Would you like to know my source of knowledge for the wickedness of our day the same wickedness of the day of Jesus?

What about the day of Noah?

It is the same today and yesterday but it will not be tomorrow. Why?

The meek are connected, we are growing in numbers. There is a prayer.

There is hope.

We stick together and become a formidable force for peace when we unite with those that have been oppressed.

What do you see, division and negativity or the positive influence of a united force for peace.

I seek Peace.

From the Heart of Love,

GOD Bless ALL; ALL that Bless GOD




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