Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Philosophy Defined for Our World

The idea that people are intrinsically good with the belief that people are inherently evil and from this duality is born the Politics of Religion.

Corruption from the top down pours out lie after lie to cover up the truth about who and what we truly are.

We are a world of Good people with some bad people trying to control our minds and our thoughts killing our muse and our music.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Do you know how to drive?

Everyone that wants to drive manages to achieve their goals by getting a drivers license but that doesn't mean that everyone that drives knows how to drive. Something to consider in our mobile society is to practice better space management.

Back in school teachers pontificated about time management and they didn't have the time to fully explain what it was that they meant.

Here is a poem that I wrote titled, 'Tailgate Lately?'

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  1. Social Sciences
  2. Indexing and Organizing My Writings and Posts

W x H x L (Width x Height x Length) Following Formulas or Recipies

Having everyone on the same page is important when following a prescribed path.

If we are to take the Dimensions and multiply them together we should get the same result putting the numeric values together in any order, but it does matter...

Why does it matter? Think this way the object we are describing could be perforated and if one of the values was to represent a perforated side and that side was created on the wrong dimension the project would be ruined.

Width must always come first when two people are talking of an object by dimension or confusion could result and the wrong product could end up being purchased or even shipped causing delays and wasting precious resources.

If you want the same result of a quality job over and over again you have to follow the recipe properly and it becomes important to have that same result using the same formula, while nothing is perfect we can make our world a better place when we learn to properly communicate.

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  1. Science and Math
  2. Social Sciences
  3. Indexing and Organizing My Writings and Posts

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Do you want our language changed?

There is a movement to redefine a few words.

Marriage should be defined the union contract between a man and a woman. The majority of individuals that get married do it for the benefit of procreation.

A civil union should be available for couples or groups wishing to unite for the benefit of caring for each other.

Tolerance has lost it's meaning when you can not be tolerant as previously defined for fear of being charged with a crime. Tolerance only means to allow another person to make individual choices that are abstract or out of synchronization with the majority of individuals or culture.

Homophobia is a word that should mean the fear of homosexuals, today it means that if you disagree with the homosexual agenda you are homophobic.

One day soon the majority of the worlds population will wake up and put a stop to the abuse of our morals as the minority keeps pushing towards a goal that ends at a wall with no where to go.

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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Self Discipline vs. Discipline of self and friends

Self Discipline is the restraint of thoughts or actions and we all have the ability to contain or control our impulses some to a greater degree than others.

On the opposite side of this discussion is the ability for us to discipline or punish our selves and or our friends otherwise known as a confict of interest.

Think about the Military bringing a soldier in for a trial, will the Military be biased in favor of one of our own over accusations made by a person or family of people from another nation? I think all to often the vision of those invovled in the position of judicial determination are wearing glasses with lenses biased against the innocent.

What we need to do is to make sure that the judicial and investigative procedure is accountable and independent in that no conflict of interest can be found.

We need a change in the way that business is done here in America and all around the world.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Love is more than a word...

Love is beauty and elogance, love is the power to encourage and a way to giive energy to another.

Love is a smile and a glance an affirmation and a little romance.

Love is divine, a gift sublime.

Preaching on Love I also know the opposite is hate and the worst is taught by the Church as evil prevents love to live, read more from my preachings found here:

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Another Technorati Claim

Technorati Profile

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Organizing Thoughts

In organizing my thoughts I started Blogging. I am so greatful to Blogger for allowing me the place and space to work all of this out. Although Blogger is a great site to get started at writing out your thoughts, you need a community of friends to help keep things going. That is where message boards enter into the fray, and while a blog is a message board, if you don't have a following, you could end up talking to yourself. Feedback is very important, and good feedback helps correct your minor mistakes and improve your writing style.

A new site called was just created and a very diverse community of people are blogging there. The site has been growing and once I reached 5-6 pages of posts I realized that I couldn't sort through my thoughts, it was like a deck of cards all shuffled up. So I sat down and thought how can I better organize my writings? This is what I came up with.

Organizing Automatically This is not actually an automatic solution but a way to think in order to get the juices flowing, to be more focused. Then it hit me, that moment I knew what I wanted to do and so I wrote out that thought as well found here: Thinking on three levels this allowed me the freedom to put everything together and master my posts, my writings and to share on other blogs how to access information that would normally get lost in the mountain of stuff that can pile up and distract or overwhelm the average person.

These are simple solutions that anyone can apply.