The Refiner's Fire
The link that singes the feet of those in high places of authority and corrupt is to cleanse the world as the refiners fire cleanses out the impurities, so is the link to pull the power out of corruption and to give clean air or Fresh Air a new day for the light of the sun to shine through and grow the poor and allow the beauty of those victims suffering in the shadow of the lack of light shinning through all of the injustices that pollute the air and harm us and future generations.
There is no valley of fire or fiery pit to send the sinners to, they are made pure by the spirit, but they are accountable for their actions. The innocent will know how all of this is so. Pray that such a fiery test of refinement doesn't ever enter another person's life, but many here are going to have to stand where their feet will get hot, and the only cure is confession of wrongs committed. Asking for forgiveness and fixing the problems.
Do you now see a different picture, the picture of the refiner’s fire, no Hell, No Satan to make people do bad things? Just a pure confession. A Ring of Fire, that burns brighter than the Sun... The face of Jesus shines through the flames in every person in the picture which is the face of every person in the World.
How do you save all of the Lost?