Saturday, January 28, 2006

The Refiner's Fire

The link that singes the feet of those in high places of authority and corrupt is to cleanse the world as the refiners fire cleanses out the impurities, so is the link to pull the power out of corruption and to give clean air or Fresh Air a new day for the light of the sun to shine through and grow the poor and allow the beauty of those victims suffering in the shadow of the lack of light shinning through all of the injustices that pollute the air and harm us and future generations.

There is no valley of fire or fiery pit to send the sinners to, they are made pure by the spirit, but they are accountable for their actions. The innocent will know how all of this is so. Pray that such a fiery test of refinement doesn't ever enter another person's life, but many here are going to have to stand where their feet will get hot, and the only cure is confession of wrongs committed. Asking for forgiveness and fixing the problems.

Do you now see a different picture, the picture of the refiner’s fire, no Hell, No Satan to make people do bad things? Just a pure confession. A Ring of Fire, that burns brighter than the Sun... The face of Jesus shines through the flames in every person in the picture which is the face of every person in the World.

How do you save all of the Lost?

Friday, January 27, 2006

The Tale of Two Churches

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Re: Tale of two churchs
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Here is the church and here is the steeple …
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The Highland Church is the Church rooted in the Truth
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Monday, January 16, 2006

A Vision a Political Cartoon a Thought

Picture the Earth surrounded by many poor and tired people. All of these people have their feet firmly planted on the ground. Suddenly an ideology crosses the mind of an individual, one who seeks to rise above the rest. The wealthy elite strip the poor of their possessions and oppress the workers of the world. The currency is gathered and a great amount of energy is given to a lifting deity. The aristocrats grab onto their god and get lifted off of the ground as to fly into outer space; they set themselves up in high places. The plutocracy grows in control and full of power governments are run by the few, who have friends that have friends and the Churches join in all are lifted high; by the power of the poor that give of their resources and energy to support the wealthy to soar. Into the sky, the elites cling to their money; the power of the money given from the poor, the elites are lifted off of the ground to soar. The real Christians look up at these manipulative liars and try to keep them Earth bound giving back to the poor the riches that are polluting the atmosphere and damaging our world.

We can claim to know Christ, we can claim we want peace, we can sit on salvation, and we can wait with idle hands. I prefer to take a stand and cleanse the air of corruption. I prefer to be free, to overcome and speak out about what has been done. Let the truth be heard, our Constitution is not dead, and one day soon it will be easy to be read. Clear wording for all to understand; making sure that we are not the oppressors of any other lands.

Imagine all of the wealthiest people that do not give to their employees, to their communities, imagine all of the legislators living on a normal working wage. Imagine an end to corruption when judges actually listen, Imagine a dream and a vision that can happen. Imagine your country, providing liberty and justice for all.

GOD is Love is GOD
GOD is Law is GOD
GOD is Land is GOD
GOD is Life is GOD

Saturday, January 14, 2006



Trying to correct the injustice to my name left my family abandoned.
When I think of the time spent trying to fix the problem I am dismayed at the mess created by trying to take a righteous stand against this type of evil.

The main problem in society is; Accountability for those who are in the seat of power with complete, immunity and total control. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

We all work together; this will bring glory and blessing to GOD.

Corruption becomes clear and transparent.

In 1961 we had the Freedom riders; today we have the Freedom Writers…

I see clear and understandable instructions coming to a constitution near and dear to you.

Peace and Blessings,



Sunday, January 08, 2006

Relationship Busters

Relationship Busters

There are many people in the world that are very good at getting in and separating people that are bonding. The people that can drive wedges into relationships are Relationship Busters. These can be people that work externally or it could be your spouse/partner. What are the tools that these people use?

They can be offended by creating hypothetical situations, and using innuendo to refer to the hypothetical they often times elicit reactions or worse, they can cause retaliation. Strike and counter strike.

Another thing to watch for is irrational fears, these are fears created out of a lack of trust. All relationships require trust, doctor and patient relationships and personal relationships.

Obedience to the truth and being open and transparent about what you experience are also important. If you do not have these you can be broken and divided.

If you want to be intimate with another person you have to want to be with that person, you have love for the person you want to be with. If you say you love someone and yet you do not wish to be with that person, and you can distance yourself, you do not have love for the other person and you are emotionally abusing the other person. Love desires to never leave.

GOD is Love.

GOD wants to be included.

GOD is Truth.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Hypothetical reality

Hypothetical reality

When your hypothetical thoughts; become more real than your reality.
What if and what could becomes more real than what will.

When you become afraid of those around you and you want to run away
When living makes you angry with yourself and others around you

Where darkness rules over the light, lies become truths, and pain is inflicted and all you do is turn your head and look away, as the withering mangled mess that you created writhes in pain and agony. Your eyes do not see; me the one that got hurt.

Like the forefathers before and before them was the pain of the torture of the mind that was theory and not reality, you shun the light of love, and trade your soul to the deep dark night.

Tomorrow’s journey begins, reality brings forth the spring. The light of day will soon dawn, and up will come the sun to nourish the seeds with radiant light from above.

Reality, GOD’s Love